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Become a Volunteer

The Warkentin House loves volunteers, and new faces are always welcome. No prior knowledge of the Warkentin family's history is necessary. Volunteering is a great way to become more involved in the community and learn about Newton's history in the process! Time commitments can vary

Victorian Warkentin House

Volunteer opportunities

  • Docent: Staffs the museum during hours the museum is open to the public, answering questions and providing guided tours on request. Assists with special tours and field trips. Training is provided. Minimum time requirement is 3.5 hours monthly, April-December. Flexible scheduling.

  • Event assistance: Assists with various duties during special events. Time requirement:  a few hours 1-3 times per year.

  • Interior assistance: Helps with light housekeeping duties such as dusting and sweeping. Time requirement: Minimal, as available.

  • Exterior assistance: Helps with light clean-up such as collecting small limbs and pulling weeds. Time requirement: Minimal, as available.

  • Board membership: Shares in managing the affairs of the house, setting policy and planning and directing events. Your experience is especially helpful in marketing, fundraising, social media, education or an interest in history.


For more information about volunteer duties or to become a volunteer or board member, please call Newton Convention & Visitors Bureau at 316-284-3642.

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